Standing Bear Farm to Roaring Fork Shelter, 15.5 miles
My hiking has begun! It was a wicked-long day and I am toast.
I started out at 7 a.m. and about an hour into the climb up Snowbird Mountain, while walking along a switchback, I suddenly heard a lot of branches breaking and something big crashing around about 40 feet to my right. See, that’s the cool thing about bears –they’re a little scary, but at least you usually have some warning that they’re around because they’re big enough and clumsy enough that they make a lot of noise. Anyway, through the trees I saw this ball of black fur, maybe a 100-pounder, and I had apparently scared him because he made quick work of loping away from me. I watched him till I couldn’t see him any more; then I started to move on, thinking smugly, “How fun, I saw a bear my first day, and look at me – such a seasoned hiker that my heart’s not even racing.”
Then a second bear darted right in front of me, maybe 30 feet ahead, and bumbled his way up the mountain. That’s when I nearly fell over backward and my heart rate doubled. See, both bears were juveniles, which meant their mother was probably close by, and here I was, between her two darlings. Probably not the safest place to be. I quickened my pace and was all nerved up for about an hour, until I had gotten well out of whatever feeding territory of theirs I had apparently invaded.
Then a second bear darted right in front of me, maybe 30 feet ahead, and bumbled his way up the mountain. That’s when I nearly fell over backward and my heart rate doubled. See, both bears were juveniles, which meant their mother was probably close by, and here I was, between her two darlings. Probably not the safest place to be. I quickened my pace and was all nerved up for about an hour, until I had gotten well out of whatever feeding territory of theirs I had apparently invaded.

Below is a view from the summit of Max Patch, which was one of the coolest sights today – I’d heard a lot about it. It’s a bald, about 4,600 ft. in elevation, and it used to be the site of an old logging camp. It’s very pretty at the top but a storm was collecting in the distance so I didn’t linger too long there. The rain started about 4 p.m. so the last half-mile of my hike was wet.
At tonight’s shelter I met two young guys who are thru-hiking at the rate of 25 miles per day (hot doggers!) and they offered to hang my food bag with theirs, to which I readily agreed. Chivalry does come in handy at times.
No blisters yet, unless you count the one on my thumb which, actually, I brought with me. I produced it while pushing the lawn mower on the day before I left. Now that’s an outdoorswoman for you – I get a blister while lawnmowing. It broke open and had started to heal by the time I hit the trail. Today it resembles a small piece of prosciutto.

No blisters yet, unless you count the one on my thumb which, actually, I brought with me. I produced it while pushing the lawn mower on the day before I left. Now that’s an outdoorswoman for you – I get a blister while lawnmowing. It broke open and had started to heal by the time I hit the trail. Today it resembles a small piece of prosciutto.
I drank more than six liters of water today.
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