Tim was up half the night, going toe-to-toe with the mouse. The mouse didn’t bother me, really – I guess I’ve just accepted mice as one of the inconvenient truths of the AT. There was another kind of interloper invading my space last night, however, that really did some damage. I think a spider took up residence in my sleeping bag, because this morning I had about 25 welt-like bites all over my legs. They have been itching like crazy all day.

We did a go-getting 12.5-mile day today, so we were pretty elated to see this sign, pointing the way to the shelter. Well, it’s either pointing the way to a shelter, or to pi, we weren’t sure.
We’re at Bald Mountain shelter tonight, and I’m kind of sad that it’s our last night on the trail.

There are two other guys here tonight, and one of them has a huge adorable dog named Trekker. He’s about the size of a pony. Here’s a shot of him and our very own Dr. Dog.
The other guy we’re bunking with is probably in his sixties, and kind of chatty. He was interested in the fact that the three of us are siblings, and he wanted to hear all about our family. When he heard that I have a husband and young kids at home, he said “You know, I read about someone similar to you – it was
an article in A.T. Journeys maybe a year and a half ago, about a lady who does section hikes on the AT a couple times a year…”
It was kind of fun to tell him that I’m not just similar to the chick he read about – I
am her!
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